Aiden our poster boyBonding boysGabby off bowlingLawn bowls arvoDamien at the footyMore shark and rayDamien at the look outOur cookbook form the Thursday cooking groupDaniel enjoying a swimCal checking on our strawberry bedsEnjoying some paintingHappy DanielThis was my first time sewing ever, I learnt that the harder I press the foot pedal the faster the machine goes. This was so much fun, I love sewing.Off to lazer tagDamian driving a boat for the first time on his STADan enjoying some soupWho will winThe boys have the Biggest Morning Tea readyI've got you DylanUno King DannyDaniel enjoying a passion for planesEnjoying a night outCooking up a stormJanelle sand board on her holidayNight outMoring tea at our much loved NannasGeorge is out at the shark and Ray centerChristmas concert with our drumming groupGeorge and Ray testing our new community furnitureDamien off surfing for the first time on his STAChristmas DanielCandy's health choices meal for her birthdayRain or hail pizza day is on once a monthJanelle enjoying a short term holiday with her STA fundsMelissa cooking up a storm YUMOff on a Short term holiday to Dubba ZOODanny happy, making a Happy Mother day cardPool day on Move it MondaysFooty buddiesThe girls so busyTavis Lego king - if I build it they will comeDamien on holidays concentratingSuch happiness on Aiden’s 18th birthdayGarfield getting some loveNiuc enjoying cookingYou're On BowlingJanelle enjoying a ferry rideI won at last!Money managementGeorge at Coles workingCals wood working project at Our HiveLesley and MaryI love cookingAiden enjoying some hoopsSchool leavers is so much fun